Tuesday, 31 January 2012

A Better Understanding Of What Are HDMI Cables

A lot of people now walk into an electronic store with a common query on their mind that is what are HDMI cables exactly. The exact technical definition of this cable is that it an audio and video interface medium, which transmits data in the digital form. It has proved to be an enhanced option to the standard analog connection. It supports all the latest devices that have an input port and even older devices with DVI port.

This wire can support any type of PC or TV video format, over a single type, including high definition data. It can also support 8 different digital audio channels, either compressed or uncompressed. It can also carry the Consumer electronic control connection. This allows user to control various devices with a single remote control.

The technology was globally introduced in the year 2003, when the world first came to know what are HDMI cables. All the digital equipment these days support them with at least one dedicated slot or output port for them. Gradually, they became more exciting than DVI cables, as they supported backward compatibility.

In the year 2002, work began on designing a transport medium, which could carry high definition data both ways from one device to another. It was required that it supported backward compatibility so that it makes it more practical for use. The world finally witnessed the launch in 2003. Televisions have been one of the first devices, to have housed a slot for this type of cord.

The popularity of these cables can be guessed by the fact that a leading technology magazine awarded it with an annual award. It also defined it as the innovation that has revolutionised the entire digital equipment industry.

High definition video and audio capability has now become a standard feature on all the latest devices and equipments. These hence allow interconnectivity and communication between these equipments. The popularity of these has helped in understanding, what are HDMI cables.

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